Quickly and easily remove and refit the brake shoe retaining springs on HGV drum brakes

Quickly and easily remove and refit the brake shoe retaining springs on HGV drum brakes

Wednesday 08 June 2022
From the Laser Tools HGV range of specialist tools comes this S-Cam brake spring lever (part number 8056), that is specially designed to allow the operator to quickly and easily remove and refit the brake shoe retaining springs on HGV drum brakes. 

Forget rough and ready, dangerous methods of unhooking and reconnecting the brake shoe retaining springs, simply hook onto the spring loop and press down. The length of the lever located against the axle makes this an effortless and safe procedure. The tough plastic handle ensures a safe grip.

Depend on Laser Tools for specialist tools and equipment. The 8056 S-Cam brake spring lever is available now from your Laser Tools stockist.